On the occasion of the exhibition, "notre musée" at the Collection Lambert in Avignon, ABOUT A WORKER invited the students of the INSPIRE micro-school (which allows children who have dropped out of school to rediscover a taste for learning through art) to create a work jacket inspired by Sol LeWitt. These unique pieces, upcycled from fabrics destined to be thrown away, are now worn by the museum's mediators. Read More
The first in the series of exhibitions proposed by ICICLE on the theme of the tree, this installation by Jonas Delhaye offers a stroll away from our furious and insatiable world that denies the power of rest. Read More
In this European Week for Sustainable Development*, at 1.618 we feel it is crucial to highlight the most responsible initiatives of the creative industry, whether they are based on innovation or traditional know-how. The projects identified illustrate... Read More

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